At, we guarantee you an outstanding service To shorten your waiting time, has set up a new logistics service and has selected a reliable and fast shipper. Upon receipt of your order, this latter is treated. The in-stock products are shipped on the very same day and an email is sent to you to give you the colissimo code or DPD so you can track your box. If necessary, your product is ordered directly at the supplier and will be shipped upon receipt. Before your product's shipping, we check that it matches the quality standards and your order. Once the tests validated, we ship it to your home on the very same day. Free delivery starting at 149 euros So that your purchase might be ideal, we offer you a free shipping of your order in France by Colissimo, for any purchase of an amount higher than 149 euros. No fees will be added at the end of your order and this starting at the amount indicated. On sale products such as top sales items benefit from the same advantages and the delivery of your equipments is still at our cost starting from the same amount. You can choose to be delivered at home, on your working place, at friends or at your parents'. You just have to write down your selected address and we'll deliver you even if this address is different from the invoicing address. Free delivery at store Because our opticians are always at your service, we offer you a free delivery at all our stores in France, for any purchase made on our website and this, without any minimum purchase. Tracking your boxes step by step On your order, you'll receive an email telling you that this latter is being processed. When your box is shipped, you'll receive a second email telling you that it's left towards the place you've choosed. In this message, we'll give you the Colissimo number or DPD of your box. With this tracking number, you'll obtain at any time all the informations regarding the progress of your box. On, you're feeling reassured and you can follow the progress of your order step by step during the delivery.
Assistance and advice
You can call us MONDAY TO FRIDAY for a purchase in store or online from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
*(Carrier charges may apply)